official Altadena postcard Mural

Greetings from Altadena, CA! Thank you so much for all the community support in making this project possible. We were able to reach our Kickstarter goal to cover our supply & equipment costs for the official Greetings from Altadena postcard mural. This interactive public art piece is going to be a part of the nationwide Greetings Tour series.

What’s the Greetings Tour? We are a local artist couple who have been traveling the country since 2015 by RV to create timeless landmarks through public art. Our mission is to support local small businesses through tourism traffic. You can check out some examples on our wall of fame page to see how we have been able to make this happen.

After painting over 55+ murals across 25+ states, we are very excited to create an official postcard in our own hometown! In order to create a true piece of public art, we worked very closely with the community to come up with imagery that best represents Altadena.


DOWNLOAD: Full Altadena Mural Proposal PDF

WHO: Greetings Tour (Victor Ving & Lisa Beggs) + Local Volunteer Artist Assistants

WHAT: Official Greetings from ALTADENA Postcard Mural

WHEN: Spring/Summer 2022 (TBD based on property owner sign off date.) The mural should take about 2-3 weeks to complete.

WHERE: Grocery Outlet @ 2270 Lake Ave, Altadena, CA 91001

WHY: Creating a destination landmark & symbol of hometown pride. Support local economy & small businesses through tourism traffic.


Altadena Imagery VotING RESULTS

We setup booths to take votes (150+) in person during the local Sip & Shop event at Mariposa Junction as well as the Holiday Event at the Farmer’s Market. It was so great to connect with our community, meet our neighbors and learn about all the things people love about Altadena. As a safer alternative, we also setup an online voting system where we collected another 110+ votes. Finally, we even did a Reddit poll to gather 160+ more votes. Thank you to everyone who participated in this process with over 420+ votes to help us narrow down the top images that represent Altadena! While we would love to include everything, we would also love to leave some of these other themes to be represented in future murals by other artists. You can see some of the clear winners below:

Altadena Imagery Voting Results

Note: The chart above only included imagery with more than 5 votes. There were many other one-off suggestions that included: Bailian House, Zane Grey House, The Star of Palawoo, Zorthian Ranch & more.


How Do I Get Involved?

At this time, we are donating all of our time and not profiting a cent from this project. We believe in supporting our community with our talents and the connections we are able to make with other locals are valuable enough in our world! However, if you would like to help out or even learn about mural painting, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

In addition, we would be more than happy to take photo reference submissions as well as any other kind of support you can offer. For example, we could use help feeding our volunteer artists, supply donations, etc. You can see the breakdown of our costs and what we need to make this happen in the Google Sheet link below.

DOWNLOAD: Full Altadena Mural Proposal PDF

Cost Breakdown (Google Sheet)